Tax, Probate & Estate Planning Attorney
(941) 954-5410
Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of getting one's personal affairs in order to provide as smooth and orderly a transition as possible upon one's death or incapacity. While that is an accurate description, it can include so much more. From the simple to sophisticated, following is a list of services the firm routinely provides in this area:
Last Will & Testament
Revocable Trusts
Irrevocable Trusts
Powers of Attorney (General & Durable)
Living Wills
Health Care Surrogate Designations
Anatomical Gifts (Organ Donation)
Pre-Need Guardian Planning
Elder Law
Estate, Gift & Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Planning
Gift Planning
Life Insurance Planning
Succession Planning for Family Businesses
Family Offices
Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts ("ILITs")
Intentionally Defective Irrevocable Trusts ("IDITs")
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts ("GRATs")
Grantor Retained Unitrusts ("GRUTs")
Qualified Personal Residence Trusts ("QPRTs")
Special Needs Trusts ("SNTs")
Trust Modification, Reformation & Termination
Pre- and Post-IPO Planning
Educational Trusts for Children and Grandchildren
Pet Care Trusts
Planning for Resident Aliens & Non-Resident Aliens
Pre- and Post Immigration Planning
Valuation Discounts
Outright Gifts
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts ("CRATs")
Charitable Remainder Unitrusts ("CRUTs")
Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts ("CLATs")
Charitable Lead Unitrusts ("CLUTs")
Charitable Gift Annuities
Private Foundations
Public Foundations
Scholarships & Matching Grants
Wealth Replacement Trusts